About CCA

The Chinese Churches Association of Christian and Missionary Alliance (CCA) is an organization within the Multicultural Ministries of the Church Ministries of the U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance. The mission of the Chinese Churches Association is to serve all the Chinese Alliance churches in the U.S.; casting vision and leadership in church planting and missions; promoting communication and partnership among these churches; engaging and mobilizing member churches in sharing of resources and people to Living the Call Together.

CCA began in 1976 (Jan 9) in Piedmont, CA. In 1972 a special committee was formed to study the need of intercultural ministry, including Native Americans, Hispanic, African Americans, and other minorities. In 1975 Department of Specialized Ministries established to promote the intercultural ministry in C&MA, and Rev Richard Colenso was appointed as the General Director. Jan 9, 1976, Rev Colenso called a special meeting held at Piedmont Alliance Church, Piedmont, CA for all contemporary Chinese Alliance Church pastors to establish CCA.

There were pastors from 8 Chinese Alliance churches. Rev John Wong (王義超牧師) was appointed as the President (Field Director) of CCA, and a 4-members Executive Committee was elected – Rev Philip Law (羅腓力牧師), Rev Enoch Lau (劉國安牧師), Rev Luke Poon (潘士端牧師) and Rev Tang (鄧鏗牧師). 1977, Rev Philip Law was elected as the President, Rev Luke Poon as the Secretary, Rev Enoch Lau as the Treasurer, and Rev Tang as the Member-at-large. Rev Law continued to serve as the Field Director for 9 years until 1985.

From 1976 to 1985, CCA functioned as a District according to the policy of the Specialized Ministries. The Field Director, equivalent to a District Superintendent, was responsible for the supervision of the 33 Chinese Alliance churches (CAcs). At the 1985 CCA Annual Conference, it was transitioned from a Ministry Field to an Association (CCA). All the 33 CACs’s administrative accountability moved under the supervision of the geographical districts of the C&MA, US; from then on, CCA functions as a fellowship to coordinate and promote Chinese ministry in USA. Under the agreement with National Church Ministries (NCM), CCA President became a non-paid position, and a new position of Executive Secretary (ES), who was a staff of the National Office, was created under the National Churches Ministry (NCM).

As Rev Law finished his term as CCA President (Field Director) in 1985, Rev Lau was elected as the new CCA President, Rev Abraham Poon (潘熙宇牧師) was elected as the first ES. 1988 Rev Philip Teng (滕近輝牧師) was elected as the CCA President, and Rev Peter Chu (朱文正牧師) was appointed as the ES who continued to serve as ES until his retirement in 2009. Rev Michael Wu (胡翼櫂牧師) was elected as the Executive Director (ED) to take up the baton from Rev Chu. When Rev. Wu completed his term in 2013, Rev. Wallace Mang (孟寶松牧師) was elected as the ED. Rev. Mang has concluded his term in 2017. Thank you for his faithful service to CCA. Rev. James Chung (鍾家強牧師) is the current Executive Director of the CCA. CCA grew from 12 churches in 1976, 33 churches in 1985, 62 churches in 1994, and at this point, there are 83 churches in the Association.