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San Francisco Chinese Alliance Church (三藩市華人宣道會)

Call of a Mandarin Pastor

San Francisco Chinese Alliance Church (SFCAC) is a growing evangelical member church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA/The Alliance) denomination Central Pacific District. SFCAC, located in the Parkside/Sunset area of San Francisco, CA, is a vibrant church with an emphasis on missions and church planting as well as creativity in local ministry and evangelism. Its three language-based congregations (Cantonese, English, and Mandarin) represent people of diverse background from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Southeast Asia, South America, and North America. The church is highly committed to following Jesus Christ as His disciples together and as individuals, developing and exercising our spiritual gifts, collaborating in unity for evangelism and discipleship, and to the building up of a healthy church and the expansion of God’s kingdom.

SFCAC is embarking onto a new milestone of ministry and spiritual journey in San Francisco and beyond. SFCAC is now calling a full-time Mandarin pastor to minister to our Mandarin congregation. Please contact Senior Pastor, Rev. Sam Lai at sam.lai@sfcac.org or call at (415) 823-2229 for more details.

Address: 1150 Vicente Street, San Francisco, CA 94116, USA. Website: www.sfcac.org


  1. A shepherd who is clearly called by God

  2. Have a good character and be a good witness for God

  3. Adhere to the truth and belief of orthodox evangelicalism, and agree with the beliefs and articles of the Christian Missionary Alliance

  4. Have the gift of preaching, teaching, caring, and evangelism

  5. With good communication skills and affinity, serving brothers and sisters of various backgrounds

  6. Hold a Master of a Seminary degree or equivalent

  7. At least five years of pastoral experience, of which three or more years of ministry or internship experience in North American Chinese churches or Christian organizations

  8. Value team spirit and the unity of the church body

  9. Fluent in Mandarin in both speaking and writing



三藩市華人宣道會(又名「三宣家」)是一間成長中的福音派,隸屬於美國宣道會太平洋區的教會。三宣家位處於三藩市日落區,是一間充滿活力,以宣教和植堂為主導,在牧養和傳福音的事工上敢於創新的教會。三宣家包括三個語言的會眾(廣東、英語及國語),會眾來自各個不同地方及國家(香港、中國大陸、東南亞、南美洲與及北美洲)。 三宣家的整體及個人均十分重視跟從主耶穌作祂的門徒 ,發揮所領受的屬靈恩賜,與牧者及同工同心合意傳揚福音和造就門徒,建造健康屬靈的教會與及擴展上帝的國度。

三宣家展望從三藩市至海外,繼續拓展福音事工及邁向屬靈旅程的新里程。三宣家現正呼召一位全時間國語堂牧師或傳道人,詳情請與主任牧師賴一星牧師聯絡,電郵: sam.lai@sfcac.org 或致電 (415) 823-2229 。

地址: 1150 Vicente Street, San Francisco, CA 94116, USA. 網站: www.sfcac.org


  1. 清楚蒙神呼召的牧者

  2. 有好的品格,能為上帝作美好見證

  3. 持守正統福音派真理信仰,認同美國宣道會的信仰與會章

  4. 有講道,教導,關懷和傳福音的恩賜

  5. 具有良好的溝通能力與親和力,服事各種不同背景的弟兄姊妹與慕道

  6. 持有北美道學碩士學位或相等學歷

  7. 至少有五年牧會經驗,其中三年或以上在北美華人教會或基督教機構事工服事或實 習的經驗

  8. 重視團隊精神,注重教會合一

  9. 流利的普通話口語和寫作