• admin@uscca.org

Queens Herald Church, C&MA

Senior Pastor

Queens Herald Church, C&MA is calling a Senior Pastor to minister to over 500 Chinese and English speaking congregants of diversified age groups in Queens, NY. The Senior Pastor is charged to lead and shepherd the entire church with support from lead pastors and elders of the Chinese and English congregations.

The suitable candidate must currently be an ordained pastor with at least 10 years of pastoral experience, preferably with senior pastor experience. He must have sound theological knowledge and training and experience leading multiple staff. The candidate will abide by the Christian & Missions Alliance’s (C&MA) Statement of Faith (https://cmalliance.org/who-we-are/our-faith-and-mission/statement-of-faith/).

All applications must be submitted by email to psc@qhc.org.

Queens Herald Church, C&MA www.qhc.org.

宣道會基導堂誠聘主任牧師,我們是位於紐約市皇后區的教會,有不同年齡階層的會眾超過500名, 主要語言為中文和英文。主任牧師會在中英文部牧師和長老的支持和幫助下帶領和牧養整個教會。

應徵者必須已被按立為牧師和具有至少十年以上牧會經驗,有主任牧師經驗會被優先考慮,他必需擁有健全的神學知識, 及有帶領和牧養同工團隊經驗。受聘者必須遵守宣道會的信仰宣言(https://cmalliance.org/who-we-are/our-faith-and-mission/statement-of-faith/)。

